Posts Tagged:
city of angels
When Did the Wild West States Join the Union?
Posted 27 March 2017 by David IN / 0 responses
We ask when the states on the Wild West Challenge actually joined the USA. The states visited on the Wild West Challenge — California, Utah, and Nevada — nowadays seem as as American as any. However, they were all relatively late joiners to the union: California waited a lifetime after […]
Yellowstone’s Tourist-Killing Geysers Strike Again
Posted 27 November 2016 by David IN / 0 responses
Did you know that Yellowstone National Park, in the US state of Wyoming, is home to tourist-killing geysers? A twenty-three year-old tourist has died in Yellowstone National Park, falling victim to the area’s tourist-killing geysers. Colin Scott, visiting the park with his sister Sable, was trying to check the temperature […]